The CoachAccountable Blog

Master CoachAccountable and become the best dang coach you can be. Also, news.

A Proper Look at a Coaching Relationship for New Users: the Demo Client

I love using CoachAccountable for managing my coaching relationships.  But I have an unfair advantage in understanding why: I have access to coaching relationships in the system that are well under way.  I see it containing data that reveals trends, hosting a comprehensive history of notes, a overall serving as a running illustration of progress.

CoachAccountable looks good as a repository of records and progress because of this, in a way that blank slate graphics stating “Click here to add your first…” simply can’t.

Today that changes.  Coaches who sign up for an account now have their account pre-loaded with data from a 4-month long running coaching relationship, giving them a real sense of how the system serves to track and document progress over time well before they otherwise could with their own clients.

The history of notes, metrics, actions and more are all ripe for perusal.  The data for the Demo Client is you might say “air brushed”: essentially a real coaching relationship (astute readers will recognize Tim) but with most personally identifying bits either removed or changed.

If you’re curious about using coaching software now’s an even better time than before to give it a whirl.  With a full coaching relationship at your fingertips in your free trial account it’s even easier to explore and appreciate how useful it can be.


  1. This will help, John, new users see the power of using CA – great idea. Be worth adding an example metric other than a $ value too. For example, I’m using my daily journal keeping as a metric (strictly speaking 3 times a week which CA lets me do easily for clients), and whatever the metric for their SMART goal is set during their first or second coaching session.

    Adding a few common templates as well would also add benefit such as a session record template and a SMART goals worksheet.

    Have a blessed one


    September 19, 2012 @ 6:47 pm

  2. John

    Right on–currently the demo client as a “minutes of walking” Metric, but its among the completed. I can see how for illustrative purposes it would be better to make that more prominent.

    Indeed, I’ve also baked in a few demo session and worksheet templates for new coaches to see and get inspired by. I don’t expect anyone to use my sample templates in their work (as such things are a very personal matter of style), but I would be delighted to hear of folks co-opting the “WTF – What’s that Feeling?” worksheet!

    September 20, 2012 @ 1:54 pm