An Invigorating Trifecta
It’s been a delightful week on the CoachAccountable customer interaction front.
Last week I realized that one of the coaches on CoachAccountable is located right here in Denver. So on Monday, after attending her yoga class, I spent two hours with her at a nearby Village Inn over coffee comparing notes and swapping stories. I was tickled to hear what a perfect fit CoachAccountable continues to be for her practice, and as we parted company that night I felt thoroughly on the right track.
Then on Tuesday I got one of the most deeply complimentary comments I’ve ever received on this blog, leaving me feel utterly appreciated for willingness (and frankly my joy) to listen to what coaches need and respond accordingly in the growth and evolution of this platform. To have it be said that my baby is “the best damn software application I’ve found out there after spending literally years looking around and trying and testing a litany of apps” in a public forum is high praise indeed, and from a rather domain-savvy individual no less.
The on Wednesday I enjoyed two hours on the phone with a woman from the East Coast who’d just gotten signed up with her account and was keen to get oriented and running as soon as possible. I don’t think either of us expected our exchange to last quite so long, but there was just so much good stuff to cover. I was delighted to get a glimpse into what’s confusing for a newcomer, and she was delighted to have me point out all the ways in which the system is already perfectly equipped for her needs. To hear her excited reactions to one feature after another was perhaps the best hands-on experience I’ve ever had of a new coach’s first impressions of CA, and it utterly made my day.
To summarize: interactions with coaches are the best, and I shall continue encouraging that sort of thing. INCLUDING a public write up of how fun it is to connect (ahem). If you want to get acquainted and chat with me about the system sometime on the phone (or better yet are in the Denver area and would care to meet up), know in advance that I’m all for it, so drop me a line.
CoachAccountable isn’t some big faceless company where all the real people are hidden behind support ticket systems and lengthy phone wait times. Rather: it’s just some dude who’s out to make seminal contributions to the field of coaching. A dude who, for now, still has time to reply to your emails and chat with you on the phone.
Hello John, I must say that your willingness to allow accessibility to you is certainly a bonus that makes CoachAccountable the premier online coaching platform.
When I first signed on to CoachAccountable the many conversations you and I had while I was deprogramming myself from a different platform and learning how to use your technology driven approach to integrate into my practice, really made the difference for me. I dont even care about the other platforms out there anymore or what they are offering. Your involvement put a personality to the process and that is priceless to me!
Thanks again for simply being a great dude!
– Devin
November 15, 2013 @ 9:59 am
Thank you sir! Yeah, our conversations back in July gave me SUCH good practice and insight about how to get people acquainted and comfortable with courses. Good stuff!
November 15, 2013 @ 10:04 am