Appointment Worksheets
Yesterday I got an email from Bryan Gilliom of Level 5 Coaching Group, a fellow who was goodly enough to reply to my “welcome, how’s it going?” email that gets sent to all coaches shortly after they grab an account1. In addition to giving a really nice account of what he was looking for, he let me know his wish list so far for the system. The first on this list was this:
1) To improve my own efficiency I want to be able to send worksheets based on an appointment. So it seems like I am going to have to remember each session to schedule a “Check in” worksheet and reminder, and I will have to schedule a pre-meeting worksheet. This seems like repetitive work that would be better done by defining triggers tied to the appointment.
In this I love both his forwardness to ask and clarity of reasoning behind it. (Incidentally, the second item on his wish list was essentially a request for the forthcoming Team Edition.)
To his first request I replied:
Tying a worksheet to an appointment type is a really good idea, one which I’ve toyed with in the past and am just about sold on as being worth adding. As you might imagine my to-do list is quite flush with good ideas but I reckon I may add this sometime in the near-ish future.
Then I realized I was just a few days off from a trip to Vegas for MicroConf, and thus it wasn’t a good day for doing any major architectural wrangling for Team Edition. Instead, a quick project was a perfect way to spend the day. So I did just that. And now, as of this morning, coaches can tie worksheet assignments automatically to their appointment types. Let’s take a look.
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- The computer sends this email for me automatically, but the intention is quite sincere! ↩