The Ultimate Coaching Souvenir
It has been my experience (and I know I’m not the only one) that coaching is an overall transient experience. You get coached, you get ideas, insights & motivation, hopefully you act on these in a difference-making way, and that’s it.
What remains afterwards is hard to define or quantify: hopefully some noticeable results persist when the coaching ends, but motivation and inspiration are eminently perishable, and ideas (unless captured) all too commonly fade from memory.
This isn’t a huge problem for coaching: again it’s ultimately about the real-world impact which gets made, and if the coaching is worthwhile this should be a given. Still, to have some tangible souvenir of the process would be a nice perk at very least, and perhaps a substantial value-adding takeaway.
I’ve had numerous coaches ask me some variation of: “My client is wrapping up their program with me. Is there any way I can get all of their data out of the system so that they can have it after we’re done?”
With CoachAccountable’s ability to export complete client records, the answer is yes.
On the Clients tab you’ll find an Export button for each client:
Give it a click and you’re greeted with some options of what data you’d like to include in the export:

Include as little or as much of the client record as is appropriate for your purposes.
By default the complete coaching history will be exported, but if for example you’d like to share a monthly update, you can narrow the timeframe down to the month of interest.
Similarly, by default all types of items are included, but if for example you just want Metrics and Actions, just pick those two and uncheck the rest.
You can choose to include various levels of privacy (for Team Edition accounts, you can choose to share items that were previously visible only to other coaches, or those that were previously private between you and the client, too).
The result is a single HTML file: super lightweight and super portable. This format makes it easy to share with interested parties via email as a simple attachment.
Here’s what one looks like:
Since it’s an HTML file, you can even post the record file online, either as a way to publicly showcase your style of coaching (assuming you’ve got your client’s blessing to do so) or to share with select parties in some sort of secure manner.
Though I imagine folks will come up with others, there are 3 general uses for client exports:
- To provide a client company a consolidated report on coaching progress on the individuals they’ve hired you to coach.
- As a case study to showcase your coaching stye and results.
- As a regular or end-of-term souvenir for your clients to have and keep.
There’s so much about a coaching relationship that gets naturally captured within CoachAccountable, and the net result of this plus client exports is a good looking and readily-shared record of the whole process.
This is nice, because good coaching deserves to be so much more than a series of transient conversations.
Looking for something to give your coaching clients? Want to ensure you can export data at any time? CoachAccountable can do that, and we don’t share your data. Ever.
Sign up for your free trial here.
More recently: Hanging with Kelly Talamo
Previously: On Being a One-Man Operation
That’s a great value added functionality, John.
Thanks for the reminder.
October 1, 2014 @ 2:41 pm
Thanks! Yeah, I’ve been quite surprised to realized how many people never noticed that export button when I added it a few months back. I suppose that sort of curiosity and exploration, especially for folks who have been using the system for a while and have their own rhythm within, can’t be assumed!
October 1, 2014 @ 3:02 pm
Excellent idea. Leveraging all the content of a client export file as a case study. GREAT MARKETING TOOL.
October 5, 2015 @ 3:42 pm