Piping Worksheet Answers Into Metrics
In the two previous posts we’ve covered the basics of using Worksheets within CoachAccountable, and how to wield their Form-Based variant.
Now let’s look to the next level of power in using Worksheets: setting them up to have your clients’ answers feed into their Metrics.
This is a bit abstract, so let’s consider a concrete example to see how this is useful.
A quick warning before we dive in: the ideas to follow are the stuff of putting a lot of features of CoachAccountable together to make elaborate, sophisticated setups to serve your coaching clients. It is cool stuff, but requires a certain familiarity with some of the basic building blocks of the system, like Actions, Courses and Metrics. If you’re familiar with these things already then you’re set, and might be delighted to learn of the fancy, integrated and automated setups that are possible. If you’re NOT familiar, you might want to learn those basics first (though reading on here may serve as good motivation for that learning!).
Right then, let’s dive in.