Using CA with Non-English Speaking Clients
CoachAccountable is available only in English. As there’s still so much to do to make this a great coaching platform within just the cozy confines of my native tongue, this will probably be the case for a good long while!
But even so, now and then I get emails which ask a good question:
Hi John,
Is there a way I can customize the CA client’s site language to another language…
My target market cannot speak or read English language :(
Talking about the “client’s site” reveals a subtle nuance: the coach side of the system is vastly more complex with much more [English] text to navigate when compared to what clients see when logged in. Any coach who uses CA will generally need to know English in order to do so, but what about focusing on just the client side of the system?
For now there’s no such ability to switch out the full language of the client experience, so indeed if your clients don’t speak English they might find it difficult. BUT, for what it’s worth, coaches have made it work for their non-English speaking clients by customizing the email templates and having the actual content that they enter (worksheets, session notes, and so on) be in the preferred language. Because the lion’s share of the words your client will ever read through CoachAccountable will be the ones you wrote, not knowing English needn’t be as severe a limitation for clients as it is on the coach side of things. A little bit of vocab coupled with your content can be quite manageable, once they find their way around the basics.
During your free trial the system makes it super easy to set things up and then see them from the client side of things, so that you can explore whether or not you are able to make it workable.
If you’d like to give it a try, be sure to go to My CA >> My System >> System Communications to find the place where you can customize the full text of all emails the system sends on your behalf.

All of these templates can be rewritten in the language of choice.
One other idea that might help is to setup a Whiteboard for your clients explaining a little bit of the key vocab (like what each of the tabs like Stream, Actions, and Metrics mean). If you’re not familiary, here’s a guide to how Whiteboards work.
CoachAccountable currently isn’t designed for non-English speakers, but with a little bit of setup and customization you still can leverage all the tools it provides for your non-English speaking clients.
More recently: Appointments: Post Worksheets and Type-Specific Availability
Previously: Two Way Syncing with your Calendar
If you ever need a Spanish translation, I am your gal! For now, the templates do wonders for the client side, no prob!
April 1, 2016 @ 6:26 pm
Yeah, I’m sure it would better than the cut-and-paste job seen in the screenshot above that I got out from Google Translate–it’s a lovely service but it’s not as good as the human touch. :)
And thanks–I’m always heartened to hear real accounts that the system as is can go a long way to accommodate.
April 2, 2016 @ 8:20 am
Great, and I’m available to translate to portuguese if you need!
September 25, 2018 @ 3:49 pm
This is a great programme, congratulations!!
It would be nice to have this program in Hungarian, there are thousands of coaches and helping professionals here who could use it!
If you would like to translate it, I would be happy to help!
April 5, 2021 @ 10:41 am
Hi Renata, thanks so much for the offer! No plans at this time to translate, but I’d highly recommend you show those other coaches and your clients this more updated article on using Google Translate to automatically translate CoachAccountable (and other sites, too).
April 5, 2021 @ 11:11 am