The CoachAccountable Blog

Master CoachAccountable and become the best dang coach you can be. Also, news.

Archive for August, 2017

Five Years

CoachAccountable's coaching software is 5 years old!

This year’s cake is actually vegan and gluten free.  You can hardly taste the difference!

Holy moly, that’s like half a decade!

As I look back over the (now quite long) path of this endeavor I’m struck by how thoroughly CoachAccountable has moved past the “startup” phase, how far beyond that humble “Yeah, I’m going to make a web app to help coaches and see if it takes!” hopeful state.

CoachAccountable has taken.

» Continue reading “Five Years”

Helping Your Clients Understand How You’re Going to Use Coaching Software

I got a note the other week with an interesting ask from Adil of Adil Iman Coaching:

Evening John,

Hope all is well. I love the software and I will be sure to sign up after the trial.  I am shooting a video next week about what happens in a coaching session and there after.

Are you okay for me to mention this software and if so what could I say in a nutshell to sell the idea.

Any suggestions or scripts would be fantastic.

Thank you for creating a great software.


» Continue reading “Helping Your Clients Understand How You’re Going to Use Coaching Software”