Key Insights
It’s a serious treat to get session notes.
Speaking as a coachee, getting from my coach their version of “Hey, this is what I’d want you to take from this conversation” is a real gift.
Without fail, it brings back the warm fuzzies of what was great from that session, reminds me to take that coaching goodness out into my life, and is a souvenir that I can revisit later, when I’m stuck or could use a little inspiration.
It is a gift that keeps on giving.
Key Insights put this gift squarely on a silver platter.
What are Key Insights?
Key Insights are just that: short and sweet one-liners that are the most distilled essence of what you want your client to remember.
Key Insights represent the highlight reel of your sessions; the nuggets of wisdom and touch stones that allow recall of the important parts. If your client reviews nothing but those, they’ll be left present to the lion’s share of what mattered in their work with you.
What are Key Insights as a new CoachAccountable feature?
Key Insights are an alternative (or addition!) to the usual ways of composing Session Notes.

They can be positioned below the usual WYSIWYG as well, or even be an outright replacement for it.
When you compose your Session Notes consisting of Key Insights, they’ll be prominently displayed up top, ready for an at-a-glance review:

Clicking on any given card, of course, brings it up in full size.
Better yet, any Key Insights you add as part of your Session Notes are automatically collected in their own section, ripe for review and searching by you and your clients:

Click on any one to bring up the full Session Notes that the Insight originally came from.
Capture the essence of what your clients are getting as a growing collection of memorable one-liners, ready to carry forward and easy to review. They’ll love you for it.You can even revisit any past Session Notes and add those retroactively, they’ll accordingly be added to their stash of Key Insights.
When your client clicks on a Key Insight, the full Session Notes from whence they came will pop right up, allowing them to jump right back into context.
You and your clients can also “star” any given Key Insight, making it easy to sort or filter down to only those that are starred, which is great for keeping present those that are most relevant week to week.

One click on, one click off. What’s the focus this week?
Clients will only see the Key Insights tab in their Session Notes area once there’s something there to see, so if you’re not into using those today, no worries! They’ll be available for you to easily start with as a value-add whenever you’re ready.
In the lead up to launching Version 5.1 I got to experience having Key Insights as part of the mix:

Distilled bits of wisdom that helped focus my efforts of getting version 5.1 launched.
It was a treat, and it was effective. :)
If already you share Session Notes with your clients, add Key Insights to the mix to make them even better.
If you don’t, start. Key Insights make writing good Session Notes dead simple, AND more valuable.
Your clients will love you for ‘em.
More recently: Reflections
Previously: Version 5.1
Love the Key Insights, John! Thank you for always striving to give us and our clients the best tools and features! You’re brilliant :)
August 2, 2024 @ 10:26 am
I can see this feature being a great asset. It’s also a reminder to distill this information on each call. It will actually be helpful to the coach!!
Thank you!
August 2, 2024 @ 12:21 pm
Great new feature! I’ve been putting the Key Takeaways at the top of my Session Notes for clients, but there was no way to make those readily available without scanning through the thumbnails.
This is a GREAT new feature. Thanks!
August 5, 2024 @ 10:50 am
These are brilliant, John! I actually have been including key insights in my session notes, so this gives them more emphasis. It is also a great way to recap a quick check-in coaching session that doesn’t warrant full session notes.
August 5, 2024 @ 11:17 am
Incredible John! I’m so excited about this. Until now, I’ve been using a whiteboard to capture ONLY the “key takeaways” so clients have a curated list they can look back on — Key Insights does that in an even easier and more visible way.
Also, what a great tool for us coaches to be able to look back on key insights that emerge from our sessions to see trends with and across clients.
Thank you, as always, for your tireless hard work in elevating our craft.
August 5, 2024 @ 1:16 pm
This feature is great.
I started taking notes on a Whiteboard so it was easier to see the key points by scrolling up and down. But this feature is much better.
Are clients able to star the ones they like?
Thank you for this update.
August 5, 2024 @ 11:36 pm
Hi John, Thank you for this new update. I can’t wait to use with my client tomorrow.
August 7, 2024 @ 4:29 pm
Thanks gang, for the sterling reception!
What’s fun about this particular feature is that no one and I mean NO ONE asked me for it. Total shower thought that came to me a little while back, and super validating that it turns out to resonate so well with others.
Cindy, yes, both coach and client can star and un-star a given Key Insight whenever. If you notice some movement there by your clients, that’s a lovely window into what’s resonating with them!
August 9, 2024 @ 7:07 pm
Hi John, I caught this new addition from the annual update letter.
I love this feature for its ease of use and power. Please keep the shower thoughts flowing!
Thanks for everything you do to continue to make this platform awesome.
September 5, 2024 @ 6:26 pm