The CoachAccountable Blog

Master CoachAccountable and become the best dang coach you can be. Also, news.

Version 5.1.1 – Quality of Life Enhancements

I had fun launching Version 5.

Then I had fun launching Version 5.1.

Today I don’t have anything quite so big and major to show off, but you know what?  Since 5.1’s release in August I’ve done my usual thing of adding numerous little enhancements.

And absent making some sort of thing about it, many of those little gems are apt to go unnoticed.

So I dunno, let’s make a thing a Thing and call the last 4 months worth of new features Version 5.1.1!

Here’s what’s new:

Drag-and-Drop File Uploads

You can now drag files into the Library >> Files area, or into the Files section of a client page.  Do so and they’ll be immediately uploaded into whatever folder you were looking at.  They won’t have any alternate titles set, or descriptions, nor will any notifications be sent in the case of sharing with a client.  But you can set and do those things if needed as a separate step once they flash into existence.

Up to 20 files allowed in a single drop, super satisfying!

Yeah, anywhere in that blue rounded corner rectangle will do.

Drag-and-Drop Gallery Images

When you’re composing anywhere in the WYSIWYG editor and gallery image inserting is allowed, you’re now able to drag an image file right over the compose window and drop it in.  This will have the effect of automatically adding whatever image to your Gallery (upon save), and save you the trouble of having to upload and then insert it as separate steps.

Drag and drop image into WYSIWYG editor

The image will be inserted wherever your cursor presently is, so get that right before you drop.

High Definition Gallery Images

Speaking of inserting images into your WYSIWYG content, images added now support a max width of 1400 pixels (up from 560), as in they’ll only be downsized to 1400 pixels if needed.  They’ll still be shrunk to fit the standard content width, but this means your high def images will look sharper when viewed on e.g. a retina device.

I’ve also made it so that when an image’s natural size IS much larger than the standard content width, one can click on it to view it full size.

UI of full size view of in-content image

And if the image is too big to view full size in the whole browser window, click it again and cue the scroll bars!

On a related note, when choosing images from your gallery those display as mere thumbnails.  You can now get a closer look by clicking on whichever thumbnail you’ve selected as it displays in the right side panel.

Inline Editing of WYSIWYG Images

Okay, one last goodie to do with images when composing content with the WYSIWYG: if you click on an image a little inline popup will appear, allowing you to set styling properties, alignment and size.

UI of editing image properties in WYSIWYG

I mean, I think the rounded corners are rather fetching, but if they’re not your thing just uncheck the box.

Nicer WYSIWYG Linking

The UI for adding a hyper link via the WYSIWYG is now a spiffy pop up.  It admits full keyboard control, meaning you can link a bit of content without ever having to reach for your mouse: select the content, hit Ctrl+K, paste or type in your URL, and hit enter.  You’re cursor will be right back where you left it ready to continue your edits.  Have a change of heart?  Hit escape at that pop up and it’ll get out of your way and have you ready to resume.  Smooth as silk.

UI to create a hyperlink

Ctrl+K got me in this, and enter will get me out.

Ctrl+S Save Keyboard Shortcut

Ctrl+S used to be a shortcut for strike through text, but eh, how often do you use that?  Now, in contexts where saving work in progress is a thing (think composing Session Notes and Journal Entries, working on Worksheets, editing Whiteboards) hitting Ctrl+S will save your work.  It won’t do more presumptuous things like mark things complete or send a Message, so you’ll never be caught off guard.

Screenshot of having just saved.

Me saving that work of adding that hyper link, keeping up the streak of not having to reach for my mouse.

In-Calendar Cancel and Reschedule Links

You know how your clients can readily have your appointments with them automatically pipe into their calendar of choice?  Now in the events as added to their calendar the Description field contains magic links for canceling and rescheduling that appointment.  No login required: total convenience, and super handy for clients who have a VA manage that sort of thing on their behalf.

UI of magic links for calendar event

Those links? They’re real, and they’re fantastic.

Invoicing Details in the Current Engagements Listing

For at-a-glance awareness, the invoicing details of a given Engagement are now listing for Current Engagements as found in the Business Center.

UI of Engagement listing with invoicing details.

Nice to be able to see those upcoming paydays.

Search Filter in Offerings Sign Ups

Because sometimes it’s nice to be able to search by Offering name or client.

UI of filtering the Offering Signups listing

Nice to see how sales are for that particular one!

Offering [appointmentLocation] Magic Tag

If clients sign up for an Offering that entails an Appointment, sometimes it’s nice to have the location of that Appointment (often a URL to join a virtual meeting) be included right in the confirmation email for that Offering.  With the new [appointmentLocation] magic tag you can now have exactly that, in addition to the usual reminders, in-app display, and calendar sync.

UI of Offering Confirmation Email configuration with [appointmentLocation] magic tag.

If it helps your new clients be more likely to easily find their way to your sessions, I’m all for it.

Group Whiteboard Emailing Options

When emailing a Group Whiteboard, CA will now auto suggest the emails of the various Group Members.

UI of suggested recipients for an emailed Group Whiteboard

Now then, who asked for a resend? Ah yes…

Group Worksheets

For Group Worksheet assignments being viewed in the Group Page’s Stream, your clients can now click on it to bring up the editor for their own work right there on the group page, no need to go back to their Home >> Worksheets area.

If the rules are such that further working on is allowed after marking complete, a client will also be able to do that from the Group Page.

Screenshot of filling out a Worksheet from a Group Page

I mean, it’s the little wins, right?


And there you have it!  Any major game changers in here?  Nah.  But there are some quality of life enhancements in here that are worth knowing about.

I hope you and your clients will enjoy!


  1. Saba

    Thank you very much John. These are not small tweaks, they’re big enhancements and I think they’re just great!

    December 6, 2024 @ 6:37 pm

  2. Brenda Byers

    Thank you love your commitment to CANI (constant and never ending improvement) :)

    December 6, 2024 @ 9:11 pm

  3. Linda Bartholme

    John, amazing! I am glad I took the few minutes to read through the update. I love the Ctrl + S option to save my work throughout!!! I had moments where I wanted to cry before… haha!!! Thank you for all that you do, this platform is truly so well thought through.

    December 7, 2024 @ 12:11 am

  4. Elia

    Great stuff John! Keep these up!

    December 7, 2024 @ 4:24 am

  5. Claire Jones

    Thanks John, adding photos in this way, is a biggie for me. Much appreciated.

    December 7, 2024 @ 11:00 am

  6. Ayuna Coaching ✨


    December 7, 2024 @ 9:52 pm

  7. Tim Smith

    Thank You John!!!

    I always enjoy the updates!!

    December 8, 2024 @ 9:45 am

  8. Catriona Misfeldt

    Thank you, John. I appreciate your commitment to enhancing the site. It’s obvious that you are listening to feedback AND taking action. Thanks for making our work more streamlined.

    December 8, 2024 @ 11:42 am

  9. Catriona Misfeldt

    Thanks for your commitment to continuous improvement, John. I appreciate you making processes more streamlined!

    December 8, 2024 @ 11:43 am

  10. Marianne Emma Jeff

    Thank you so much! I am so excited about the cancel and reschedule links. That’s awsome.

    For the magic link for appointment within an offering. Does this take them to a calendar to book it?

    December 8, 2024 @ 2:37 pm

  11. Marney

    Thank you John! Merry Christmas to all of us!

    December 8, 2024 @ 10:23 pm

  12. Elizabeth

    Thank you John! I love the ability to search offering sign-ups! Helps with tracking and record-keeping. Love the new improvements – thank you so much!

    December 9, 2024 @ 10:07 am

  13. Tom

    I love the constant evolution!

    December 9, 2024 @ 2:16 pm

  14. Nathan

    The calendar reschedule component is excellent! Thank you John!

    December 9, 2024 @ 4:45 pm

  15. Kat

    Thank you, John! pursuit of perpetual progress and dedication to ongoing refinement is simply brilliant!

    December 10, 2024 @ 12:43 pm

  16. Lynn

    Thank you for the updates and sending all of this information to be used as soon as I set up my program. I know I will appreciate these shortcuts and additions as I learn my way around this platform. Your enthusiasm comes through your messaging, John.

    December 11, 2024 @ 3:22 pm

  17. Cecilia

    Thanks so much for this information. I am finally settling everything up to use with my clients, and am looking forward to using all of these options. Your love for doing this is palpable!

    January 2, 2025 @ 10:40 am