Delightful Collaboration IV – A Spiffy, White-Labeled Login Screen
Sometimes a simple misunderstanding reveals a good idea I never thought of.
In this instance of Delightful Collaboration that good idea came from David Green of LeadershipMARC, who forwarded me a URL for a page on CoachAccountable and wondered how to have that page be without the name of one of his clients:
I explained the misunderstanding, that this link was meant only to be the special page for his client to register her account (and that since that registration was already done, that’s why a login shows instead). He countered with a most sensible expressed desire:
But I am looking for a landing page like that off of my website.It’s a very good look.Please tell me it’s possible.
Prior to this moment that screen, in all its customized, white-labeled glory, was only meant to be a one-off experience for clients. But indeed it is a snappy login page, and a useful alternative to embedding a small login widget on one’s own site. Immediately I agreed that it should be available to serve as coach’s own login page for their system, and took about 15 minutes to cook up a client-neutral variation:
Then I sent this reply:
David, I gotta hand it to you:
That’s a REALLY good idea. So I’ve cooked up just that for you. If you go to My CA >> My System >> White-Label Branding you’ll find a new piece there, “Customized Login Page”. There you’ll find a magic link that is suitable for linking to as a branded, general purpose login for your clients.
Thanks for making the request, I imagine many other coaches will enjoy it as well!
I hope that they will!
More recently: Why White Labeling Costs $50 Extra
Previously: Introducing CoachAccountable Groups
Hi John.
Thanks for the shout out! Just loving the system and am look forward to great features you keep rolling out.
REALLY appreciate how flexible you are about good ideas even when unplanned. :)
October 18, 2013 @ 12:25 am