Setting the Stage: Perfect Client Onboarding
When setting up a new client in CoachAccountable, the system makes it super easy to send an invitation email which welcomes them into the system right away. But you might want to hold off of that for just a short while. Here’s why.
As coaches we want our clients’ experience of our coaching to be a delight at every step, and their first run experience with CoachAccountable is no different. By taking 5-10 minutes on a new client BEFORE inviting them in you can set things up so that they’ll immediately feel right at home.
First things first: your smiling face. This actually isn’t something you have to do for every client, rather just once and you’ll be set for everyone. The very first thing your clients will see when they click the magic registration link is the registration page. If you’ve got your own headshot uploaded to your coach account, they’ll see that photo of you and instantly know they’re in the right place. Oh, and if you’ve set up your branding, this page will show with your colors and logo, too.
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