The CoachAccountable Blog

Master CoachAccountable and become the best dang coach you can be. Also, news.

Ode to Squeaky Wheels

I got a bit of feedback recently regarding the management of Groups, in particular managing a large number of them.  As of about a week ago Groups were listed in the order in which you created them, and one of my customers suggested it might be nice to have the most recently created on the top of the page, rather than at the bottom.

I thought about it for a minute and realized this was worth handling quickly.  To her I said:


Good call!  Perhaps I need to add the ability to sort groups so you’ve got total control.  Give me a minute! :)


Perhaps most important in this communication wast the postscript:

PS: I love that you guys, as power users, are so up on giving me feedback.  CoachAccountable is better for it!

Her reply:

Thanks! Glad you are cool with it :) Some time I feel like a pain…

A pain?  I quickly wrote back to set the record straight, for her and now here on the blog for everyone else:


I totally love it: customers who might be conventionally categorized as a pain are my favorite, because y’all challenge and demand of me to make a system that JUST SINGS.  When I nail it for you guys, I nail it for a lot of other people who might not feel so free to be as vocal in demanding perfection.

The end result is a really sharp system that people are all the more apt to fall in love with, which, as you might imagine, is good for business! :)


  1. A squeaky wheel is just another name for innovation…

    anybody who ever had a dream or a cause they believed in was called this name at one time…it’s a badge of honour, and sometimes, just a pain in the ass…

    but this is a community of people who value transformation, and we can’t even dream of some of the things we have yet to discover…

    My squeaky wheel is always to make CA more right brain and fun…

    Keep up the great work John…

    February 26, 2014 @ 4:00 pm

  2. Brianne Ika

    Is there a way to sort them alphabetically?

    December 2, 2015 @ 3:06 pm

  3. John

    Hi Brianne,

    Not automatically, but you can drag each Group into place to make an alphabetical order.

    December 2, 2015 @ 6:33 pm