The CoachAccountable Blog

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Form-Based Worksheet Image Prompts

Form-Based Worksheets (and indeed now Sessions!) allow you to create a form for your clients to fill out, comprised of text boxes, radio buttons and so forth.  But sometimes in a Worksheet assignment it would be nice if your clients could provide an image or two as an answer to a question.

This is now possible with CoachAccountable Form-Based Worksheets, thanks to the newly added support for Image Prompts that are available when creating a form.  Let’s take a look at how this works.

Like when adding a form input of any other variety, an Image Prompt is added by clicking the “Add form item” button on the WYSIWYG toolbar:

That little guy, fifth in from the right.

Pick the new “Image prompt” option in the drop down menu and you’ll find a similar (but slightly different) set of options:

Just pick this type of input and you’re off. Note you can allow your clients to provide more than 1 image as their answer to a given question through the “Max images” setting.

In the Worksheet, an Image prompt is rendered as a clickable button with whatever caption you set:

Wait, vengeful?

When working on a Worksheet with an Image prompt item, clicking the button brings up the gallery browser, allowing your client to upload an image as needed and then ultimately choose an image for their answer:

Whew, fancy breakfast!

As your clients fill out the Worksheet their images are popped right in:

I wonder if he really ate that? Totally looks like stock photography to me.

What’s really nice about this is how well it plays with filling out a Worksheet on a smartphone with CA Mobile: when uploading a new image to the gallery (for subsequent choosing for the Worksheet) most devices give you the option to snap a photo right then and there, and upload THAT with just a few taps.  As such, completing a photo journal-like Worksheet is really quick and easy.

Image Prompts in Form-Based Worksheets add a new dimension to the kinds of assignments you can set up for your clients, letting pictorial input join the usual keyboard and click-based input.  If that would make a fitting aspect to the assignments you give as part of your coaching, go give them a try!  It’s as simple as creating a Worksheet Template that includes one or more Image Prompts.


  1. Laura Watson


    This looks pretty cool. I have already changed my session note template and I am creating metrics for my clients (linked to the session notes). I will start experimenting with this next week.

    Keep up the great work and innovations!


    August 26, 2016 @ 12:00 pm

  2. Marney

    Ok John, you know I LOVE this. You have now convinced me to try form-based worksheets. My weekly check-ins with clients require them to upload images, and I didn’t want to lose that capability, which is why I haven’t gone to forms. But now…I can’t wait to play.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    You never stop with the good stuff. So, so grateful!

    August 27, 2016 @ 11:53 pm

  3. John

    Thanks you guys, glad to know as always these new goodies are wins!

    Marney, I can indeed imagine how this would be perfect for your programs give how visual and artistic they are. Not that I want to bring upon myself more pressure of feature requests, but I’ll hazard doing so to say I’m surprised that you never asked me for this before! :)

    August 28, 2016 @ 8:58 am