Introducing Morgan, Director of Customer Love and Hand Holding
Morgan and I go way back. We met over 10 years ago at a swing dance at the Casa Loma Ballroom in St. Louis, MO. We clicked well on the dance floor and clicked well off, and swiftly came to refer to one another as our IBFF: Insta-Best Friend Forever.
Morgan and I have roughly the same background and experience with transformational coaching: we both got our chops coaching the same programs and from the same body of distinctions. She’s a keen and cool-headed listener, ridiculously personable and wicked smart. For it she’s been able to give great and difference-making coaching even to know-it-all me over the years.
I reached out to Morgan for a little coaching early in January when I was in a bit of a funk. She texted me right back: “Yeah, I want to save my minutes so how about we talk over some app, like Skype or WhatsApp?”
Um, sure? Who needs to manage their minutes these days, I wondered, but whatever–let’s call it Zoom.
We connected for a video call, me lit poorly by the festive glory of my still-up living room Christmas tree lights, and her in–“Wait, are those palm trees in the background? Where are you?”
“I’m in India! Doing a yoga teacher training here… my boyfriend and I are on world tour!”
Wow, Morgan’s on a world tour!1 It had been over a year since we last talked, so clearly we needed catching up. Turns out since last talking my dear friend had left her position working with a non-profit and went to, of all things, doing customer support for an app company before leaving to go travel some 4 months prior.
“But enough about me, what’s on your mind? What do you need coaching around?” Honestly, I was in a funk about having to let an employee go. Morgan patiently heard the whole brain dump, and when I was finished she masterfully reassembled the bits with clarity, kindness, wisdom and insight:
“Well John, for as long as I’ve known you you’ve been one to create and play at games, right? You find something worth doing, and you make a game out of it, and play. Well, this game you’ve been playing called having an employee, it didn’t work this time! Doesn’t mean you can’t win at that game, it’s just THAT person didn’t work out. So okay, play on! You’ve learned a ton about what worked and what didn’t. You can take that and go forth playing that game.”
Clarity, when reflected back by someone committed to you winning and done with a dose of perspective that an outsider is uniquely privileged with, is so uplifting. Man I love coaching.
The conversation with Morgan was just what I needed to go forth with a clear head. More than that, though, I was delighted to see in my inbox the next day a thoughtful note from Morgan, part of which went thus:
… And secondly, it looks like you’ll be going through a period of change while you sort out moving on and deciding what to take on yourself and what to re-delegate with a potential new employee. Since the writing career is still in its infancy, and since I can rock the shit out of a helpdesk ticket via phone, email, or chat, making customers laugh while solving their problems, I’d be happy to step in and do those couple of hours of customer service as you need them. …
Huh. The chance to work with a dear friend, of similar coaching chops and reverence for the practice, and one who self-professes ability to rock the shit out of a helpdesk ticket?
What a delightful idea.
And the rest is history. Straddling the 10ish hour timezone difference, we started in on training Morgan: on the ways of how CA best works to serve coaching (she was a quick study on that because of her coaching background), how to love on CA customers the way I insist on doing so (she was a quick study on that because of the aforementioned being ridiculously personable), how to do pixel perfect screenshots for updating evergreen blog posts to V3 (she was a quick study on that because she’s got an MFA and really brings her art to whatever she does).

That’s her. Yeah man, I’m a fan.
So, yeah, you get it. She’s super talented.
Morgan wrapped up her world tour and settled back in her house in LA at the end of March, and has since come on full time with CoachAccountable. She continues to impress with creative initiative and I couldn’t ask for a better #2 with whom to co-create CoachAccountable culture, long-term vision, and the projects and initiatives to focus on by which to get there.
I’ve been delighted by her presence and so have many of you during this past month of her rising up as CoachAccountable’s Director of Customer Love and Hand Holding. If you’ve not yet had a chance to interact with her, I’ll just say you’re in for a treat whenever you do have your next support issue–she’s way more charismatic than I. :)
Please help me to welcome her properly to the CoachAccountable community!
- For those of you following closely along you’ll recall that CoachAccountable was launched from my kitchen table in Cusco, Peru, about one month into the world tour my wife and I were taking at the time. And Lee and Rob, the creative force behind the pretty pixels of CoachAccountable also did their year-long world tour before designing CA Version 3. I’m pretty sure I’m NOT going to make having done a world tour a prerequisite for future employees/collaborators of CoachAccountable (though what a fine selector for interesting and living-life-powerfully-type folks!). ↩
More recently: Hi, I’m Morgan!
Previously: Printing Right From Your CA Online Coaching Platform
John… you deserve the best and I am guessing that you now have that! I am so very happy for you and yours.
May 14, 2018 @ 4:30 pm
Morgan’s coming on board sounds like great news for you and the entire CoachAccountable community.
May 14, 2018 @ 5:31 pm
Introducing new colleagues, letting them go and developing teams is always such a big challenge, especially in a very small business.
I’m really pleased to hear your news about Morgan. CA is becoming increasingly pivotal in all that we’re doing with current clients and as we plan for our continuing growth. It’s great to learn about the resources that you’re introducing.
With CoachAccountable you’ve created something significant John. The more that I use CA with clients, the more powerful I realise it is. So much of the power of CA is about the extent to which accountability is identified and nailed down. (Good product name…!)
May 15, 2018 @ 3:22 am
Happy to have Morgan on board! Some of us require more hand holding than others –
May 16, 2018 @ 7:44 am
Welcome, Morgan! I’m glad you’re here!
Phil Hamilton
May 16, 2018 @ 9:02 am
Welcome, Morgan. Sounds like you and John were cut from the same cloth. Well, sort of. John’s been great to work with. He lets me irritate the crap outta him while i occasionally feed him valuable tidbits of UI genius or feature request diamonds-in-the-rough (just mention my name to him and I’m sure it’ll evoke somewhat of a smile – no humility here). Anyhow, it’s always fun interacting with a true personality. So from what I’ve read here, I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine. And maybe one day, you can explain to us all what the heck a URI (or as the tooltip kindly refers to it as, a Uniform Resource Identifier) is and why it’s a fillable field on this comment submission form. I’ve never seen one used anywhere else, ever. See, I told you I make people smile.
May 25, 2018 @ 7:56 am