The CoachAccountable Blog

Master CoachAccountable and become the best dang coach you can be. Also, news.

Printing Right From Your CA Online Coaching Platform

Recently, Henk from Business Doctors in South Africa asked about printing from CoachAccountable. While this wasn’t possible in most of CA, John realized that the option to print would be useful for all, especially those with executive coaching clients who potentially have a “higher-up” to report to in a meeting where paper is required.

Now, you have a couple ways to print from the app.

Print a Report of Past Appointments With Coaching Clients

In Past Appointments, you can now click the Print button (next to “Download as CSV” to generate a nice tidy report of past appointments and print to PDF or through your printer.

Print Appointments from CoachAccountable online coaching platform

Printing Sections of the CoachAccountable App

Just hit Alt+Shift+P on your keyboard, and the system will smartly load up for printing whichever section you’ve currently got open.

When you have one or more pop-up windows open, the system will print the topmost one. When you’re looking at a given section on, say, a client page, the system will print the visible one out.

It won’t work for all sections (for example, one that has a card listing of items isn’t really fitting for a print job), but should work in areas you expect it to.

Thank you, Henk, for the great suggestion! We’d love to hear how people are using it and how you’re liking it.

CoachAccountable management platform client Business Doctors

Henk, pictured middle, photo courtesy of Steve Sutton

If you like the look of CoachAccountable and want to check out the system (and printing abilities), but you haven’t started your free 30-day trial yet, come on in! The water’s fine :)

1 Comment

  1. Super duper …Thanks for sharing Morgan

    Again warm welcome :)


    May 15, 2018 @ 4:08 am