Hanging with Lynton Dell
Lynton’s been a power user of CoachAccountable since early 2016, using it to deliver courses to hundreds of his clients.
He’s out of the UK; we’d never talked on the phone, let alone met. But we’ve had plenty of exchanges: on account of his geography (namely 7 hours ahead) and power user status (namely giving lots of CA Courses to clients in varied time zones) he stumbled upon a few niche bugs in how CA handled the timing of delivering course materials, allowing me to fix them and helping to build a more perfect CA.
Lynton reached out to me last month, letting me know he was going to be traveling for a while and asking me if he could export his files/setup so that he could pickup with it when ready to resume.
As you might guess I was happy to do the solid of simply pausing his account. When he mentioned he was RV’ing through the states I offered a standing invite for a beer (or the like) if he ever passed through Denver.
Turns out he and his partner were flying right in to Denver to pick up the RV… what a lovely coincidence! A few emails more and we were on for a gathering at Growler USA, a nice haunt right in my neighborhood.

Um, yeah, he’s bigger than that.
The name of Lynton’s program is Make me Unbreakable. When I stepped into the pub and surveyed the clientele it was clear at a glace that “oh yeah, THIS is the guy we should be hiring to make us unbreakable”.
(I ribbed him later that his avatar photo in CA, just him in a hoodie and kinda positioned small in the frame, didn’t quite do justice to his stature :).
As I crossed the room Lynton stood to give me a warm welcome and a man hug.
As is practially always the case, I got such joy and perspective out of hearing, firsthand, from a coach what it’s like in their world (and how CA intersects with it). We got to talking and it was a treat.
“For a fitness program, 40-45% retention past 6 months is common. With CA it was like 85-90%. I had customers staying on for two years and more.”
Wow, for real? If it wasn’t already in line with his evident super-friendly nature, that fact alone might explain the jovial man hug. He continued, “I used to send out texts every Sunday, asking after ‘how are you doing with this, how are you doing with that? How’s your meditation?’ 10-20 clients, took a lot of time. Now the computer does all the work, and I’ve got way more clients.”
Lynton described a bit about what it was like to design those courses that had the computer doing all the work. “Took a while to get it just right, building the course. Spent 50 hours on the first version, tried it on myself, found it didn’t work. Then spent 5 hours on a new version and THAT worked brilliantly.”
I said good on you for having the persistence to really get it right and reap the reward! I could see why he wanted to keep that data intact.
Bringing us to the current moment, Lynton summarized: “Now taking 6 months off, maybe more, to travel. Excited to get new ideas, pick up with CA later and make a new and better program. Excited to see what’s new in CA when I do!”
The plan for Lynton and his lady friend is to RV around for a month, then travel about for one more here in the states, then Mexico, Cuba. “Who knows after that. Looking to bounce around in Canada next February, exploring towns, may settle down in one. Looking for somewhere else in the world, UK is so small. With CA I can have clients anywhere in the world.”
I was so delighted and inspired to hear as much (and NOT because of the “enabled-by-CA” part, though that’s nice). They’re basically doing a world tour and poised to go wherever the journey takes them. This of course is near and dear to my heart, as CoachAccountable itself was gotten off the ground during my world tour with my wife in 2012/2013 (I launched it from my kitchen table in Cusco, Peru!).
We swapped stories of travel: countries to go to, cities to explore, meals to be had. It was my honor to inspire and be inspired–it’s always super life giving to see someone ACTUALLY DO IT (whatever that big dream “IT” may be).

Guess which is which! (Hint: Lynton is the one you’d wanna take fitness advice from.)
Thanks Lynton for the beer (he insisted on buying :), and moreover for the conversation. I wish you an amazing trip and we’ll cook up some new goodies in CA for you to check out whenever you’re ready to pickup with your coaching practice, from wherever in the world you decide to settle!
More recently: Organize Your Whiteboards with Folders
Previously: A CoachAccountable Story
Hi John,
Thanks for sharing this inspirational story!
It is always a delight to read your blogposts and the positieve impact you and Morgan are making with CA
March 27, 2019 @ 1:05 am
Hi John and Lynton,
Exactly what Glenn said above! As I mentioned elsewhere, I am just starting out. It has been a roller coaster journey so far and it is difficult to know what to believe about the potential for success, which for me is the freedom to choose a balance between hard “work” and soul “work”. Reading stories like Lynton’s and yours from a source I trust is truly inspirational. I identified even more with the story because I lived in the UK 18 year, having recently left to find a more creative environment and I will also be coaching in the health niche.
Thanks for sharing and inspiring me.
June 25, 2019 @ 8:27 am