The CoachAccountable Blog

Master CoachAccountable and become the best dang coach you can be. Also, news.

The Growth Coach Greg Bennett: “CoachAccountable as a Game Changer”

“I close deals because I’ve got this thing.”

So said Greg to me when we’d met up for a beer some two years ago, referring to how having (and proudly touting) CoachAccountable as part of his deal really works as a selling point.

Hearing this gave me an idea: we should sit down and riff about it some time in the studio.  I finally got my act together and made that happen last month.

Some of the topics we covered:

  • Keeping info straight & first impressions (02:30)
  • Visibility & Accountability (06:53)
  • Increasing perceived value (14:45)
  • High touch interaction (17:08)
  • Common struggles for coaches (20:56)
  • Beyond the 2-day Workshop: value that lasts (26:16)
  • Coaching at higher volume (31:20)

If you’re not sure you want to commit 42 minutes1 to watching this, maybe the 2 minute teaser will help you decide.

Thanks Greg for taking time to chat and share your insight with others.  Greg’s a bit of a badass himself: he’s a Growth Coach franchisee and has set the organization record for fastest start, as measured by sales, in his first 2 years.

In other words he’s a pretty good source on how to build and run a thriving coaching business.  To apply his wisdom to running a better practice for yourself go get your 30 day trial.

  1. Or 21 minutes at 2x speed, which works well!


  1. Hi John and Greg,

    Just loved the interview…..

    Confirming what I already knew from the beginning….. Coach Accountable is a GAMECHANGER.

    Keep those blogpost coming John.

    Exciting stuff


    June 16, 2019 @ 6:49 am

  2. Peter Button

    This is a really valuable conversation!

    Thanks John for making the effort to make it happen and share it so effectively. And thanks very much Greg for sharing your experience so candidly and effectively.

    Key take-aways for me included: “This is your own online dashboard”, focus on visibility and accountability and using CA to reinforce “the cadence of learning”.

    I watched at 1.5x speed and stopped the video frequently to replay significant comments and make some notes. At one stage, I went into CA to check out “Happenings Reports” which I’ve got to use more.

    Thanks again!!

    July 17, 2019 @ 12:58 am

  3. Fantastic interview!
    Some very useful insights and ideas in there. I especially appreciate the tips for on-boarding new clients. I used Coach Accountable a few years ago (the first time) and some of my clients were overwhelmed and looking back I can see that it was my fault. I was just too excited about it.

    August 21, 2019 @ 1:30 pm