The CoachAccountable Blog

Master CoachAccountable and become the best dang coach you can be. Also, news.

Introducing Company Engagements

If you’re coaching multiple people at a company, you’re likely already using CoachAccountable Companies. And if you productize your coaching into packages, you’re probably taking advantage of CoachAccountable Engagements. Now you can also put Companies into Engagements, in order to:

  • Automatically invoice the Company on a regular basis
  • Track how much of a package the Company has used
  • Distribute the allocated appointments evenly over all coachees at a Company

Let’s take a look.

Company Engagement Setup

Before you can use Company Engagements, you’ll need to do a few things.

  1. Enable both Companies and Engagements, if you haven’t already. Do this by clicking on your headshot in the upper right >> My Account >> Add Ons.
  2. Add a Company. Follow the steps in this article to do so.
  3. Recommended, but not required: Add at least one Company Personnel. This is especially necessary if someone at the company needs to receive and pay the invoices.
  4. Recommended, but not required: Create an Engagement Template.

On your Companies list, you’ll see that each Company has a handshake icon next to the Manage button (gear icon). Click the handshake icon to start.

Great Ideas are meant to be shown! Let’s put Great Ideas Co. into a couple of Engagements. That’s right…a couple!

Note: For Team Edition accounts, find Companies at the bottom of the left side menu on your Team Administration page. For single coach accounts, find it at the bottom of the left side menu on your home dashboard page.

Click + Engagement, then choose one of your templates from the dropdown as a starting point, and Set it up.

You’ll have the same Engagement settings as you do for an individual client (find an in-depth walkthrough here), with a few notable additions.

Basics Tab


Use this to apply the Engagement to all clients in a Company, or to just some. If this is set to “everyone”, any new clients who are added to the Company will automatically become part of this Engagement.

Per-Client Limit

This allows you to require a more even distribution of appointments or hours. Without anything here, one client at the company can potentially book far more than others. When defined, though, it will limit each person to only being able to book up to a certain number of appointments or hours out of the full allocation.

Managing Personnel

This determines who at the company should receive notifications about this particular Engagement. Note that this does not change the recipient of company invoices; that is done at the level of the Company as a whole (adjust who’s responsible for receiving invoices by editing the settings for an individual Personnel).

If the company has a credit card on file, that card will be automatically billed at the time(s) set by the Engagement, and the Personnel who is set to receive company invoices will be sent a receipt.

Personnel Visibility

Replacing “client visibility” for an individual client’s Engagement, this sets the level of visibility you’d like Personnel to have into the Engagement’s progress. This applies to both the managing Personnel for this Engagement and any other Personnel who receive access to seeing Company Engagements.

“Totally hidden from Personnel” means just that (the Engagement will be invisible to all Company Personnel), and the only difference between the other two is whether or not the invoicing should be visible to Personnel.

Notifications Tab

You’ll see that the two parties who can be notified for a Company Engagement are the coach and the company (rather than coach and client). The managing personnel you set back on the Basics tab will be the one to receive these notifications on behalf of the company.

Note that for Schedule Nudges, these will be sent when no future appointments are scheduled for anyone in the Company Engagement.

Viewing Company Engagements

You’ll notice that on each Company’s page, you now have an Engagements tab. Here, you can view and manage any current Engagements, create additional ones, or schedule future ones.

When managing Personnel, you’ll also see a new Engagement setting in each person’s Permissions area.

Decide whether each Personnel should have no visibility into the company’s Engagements, view only the ones for which they are the managing Personnel, or view all of their company’s Engagements. Keep in mind that this visibility will also be affected by what you’ve set in the Basics tab of the Engagement setup. For example, if Steve is allowed to see all the Company Engagements, but for a particular Engagement we’ve set the visibility to “Totally hidden,” Steve won’t see that particular Engagement.

Let’s take a look at what the Personnel can see.

Note the new Engagements item in the left side menu. This item will hide itself if there are no Company Engagements, or none that this particular Personnel can see.

And that’s it! We’re happy to have another piece in place for those CoachAccountable coaches who work more at an enterprise-level scale.


  1. Amanda Henderson

    I’m SOOOO glad this is here! I have several client companies that I do things for – some with clients and some without, and even some I coach as part of an EAP offering. I can’t wait ’til we can also have agreements with the companies too!

    May 14, 2021 @ 9:27 am

  2. Morgan

    Hi Amanda, so happy you like it! And your vote for Company Agreements is noted :) Cheers!

    May 14, 2021 @ 1:33 pm

  3. Kimberley

    Hi I have a clarification question for the Per Client Limit. The description says that it allows an even distribution of appointments/hours and that when limited, it will limit each person to book up to a certain number out of the full allocation. If I have an engagement template set for 24 hours total for a client and I use that template for a company engagement and assign 3 leaders to it, will it give 24 hours to each leader or 24 hours total for the entire engagement for all leaders to draw from? My hope is that each leader will have their own 24 hours but if the 24 is for the total company engagement, then that means I would need to multiply 24×3 and then limit each client to a max of 24. I hope the question is clear. Thank you for the clarification.

    September 26, 2021 @ 8:00 pm