The CoachAccountable Blog

Master CoachAccountable and become the best dang coach you can be. Also, news.

Happy Birthday, CoachAccountable!

You wouldn't believe how hard it was to find a ribbon of the exact shade, #6C9C31.

You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to find a ribbon of the exact shade of CA green, #6C9C31.

Goodness they grow up so fast when they’re young, don’t they?

Just yesterday CoachAccountable turned 1: it was one year ago that I released it from my laptop in Peru to deliberately very little fanfare.

In those days very few people who tried it really got the concept, because there wasn’t much by way of illustrating the why and the wins of using the system.  Now with explainer videos, an illustrated manual, a heap of blog posts, and a richer, more encompassing set of features people are much more able to understand the value of using CoachAccountable and put it into their practice (the change in my conversion rates make this most obvious!).

Year one of CoachAccountable’s public existence was marked by intentional obscurity.  Because I was traveling around the world as I went, I didn’t want the added responsibility of large amounts of traffic & interest (no, seriously).  The trickle traffic I got from search engines1 was quite sufficient to cause a steady stream of new people trying out the software and reaching out to me.  So I got to grow and evolve things at a steady and very workable pace, considering the fact that during travel I would be offline for a week at a time now and then.  All this happened without doing a lick of advertising2.

The result is a system I’m very proud of, and one which dozens of coaches have personally expressed to me their appreciation using nothing less than the L word (yeah that’s right: Love).

So it’s been a good year.  For CoachAccountable’s second year on the market I look forward to releasing support for both group coaching and teams of coaches, an enterprise edition, a manual written for clients, and a whole lot more besides.  And I’m going to forgo the luxury of obscurity before long: CoachAccountable has vetted itself as good enough that I may as well start promoting the darn thing in places outside of its own home on the web.

If you haven’t tried it, it’s just as easy to get set up with your own account it was on day one: in in 60 seconds, no credit card needed, 30 days free to play around.

And if you have tried it and already dig it, feel free to join in CoachAccountable’s emergence from obscurity by spreading the word (whilst earning a tasteful kickback in the process) by becoming an affiliate.

Thanks for being along this journey with me.  Here’s to coaching being great.

  1. Turns out CoachAccountable is #1 on google for “coaching software”, who knew?
  2. Save for one small foray as a larf, sponsorship of a teleclass with the LA chapter of the ICF.


  1. Rachelle Starr T

    Happy Bday CA! And well done John, you must be very proud as it’s an awesome service! :)

    September 1, 2013 @ 10:49 am

  2. David

    Well done and Happy Birthday CA.. Looking forward to seeing what other magic happens in the next year.

    September 2, 2013 @ 12:39 pm

  3. Devin

    Superb work CoachAccountable! Your platform has raised the bar for integrating technology and coaching. Well done! Looking forward to another great year with you.

    September 2, 2013 @ 2:44 pm

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! Keep up the good work and thanks for making my life easier.

    September 13, 2013 @ 2:12 pm