Use Resource Packages to Share Coaching Material
We’ve added a small-but-powerful feature called Resource Packages. These allow you to install various resources (like files, courses, and templates) that were created by other coaches right into your own CoachAccountable account. Likewise, these make it possible for other coaches to install YOUR resources (should you ever want to create and share your own packages.)
A couple scenarios in which this might be useful:
- Finding Additional Resources From CoachAccountable. When you signed up, you automatically received some content from us pre-loaded into your account. We’ve provided even more content and templates for you in these packages.
- Licensing Your Coaching Material. Many coaches start expanding their business by teaching other coaches their methods, with the additional value-add of providing ready-to-use templates. By using Resource Packages, you can make available your Courses, Worksheets, Agreements and more with just a couple clicks – and provide that package only for coaches who have paid your licensing fee. This is a way to sell your well-tested coaching tools.
- Related Coach Accounts. Smaller teams sometimes vacillate between setting up with two single coach accounts or a Team Edition account (more on how to make that choice here). Now, those who choose two single coach accounts can replicate their resources and save time.
- Coaches With Two Accounts. Some coaches use two separate accounts, for reasons like varied tax law with international clients or operating under two different coaching brands.
- Franchises. We’ve heard from The Growth Coach and similar businesses: getting new franchisees set up quickly is key to their success. Corporate-sanctioned tools at their fingertips right away can help get new business owners inspired and active.
- Referrals. If you’re someone who refers CoachAccountable to other coaches in your industry, giving them materials to start with can help solidify their use of the platform.
“Shop” Our Provided Resource Packages
Navigate to Settings >> Resource Packages >> Installable Packages. Here you’ll see the packages that we make available available. We provide them to you free of charge and we encourage you to use them!

Note the orange “installed” banner appears to indicate when you’ve already installed one.
Click on any of these packages to peruse contents and install some (or all) of the items included. For any item, click the “Preview” button to help decide if you want it:

Choose what you like and preview to decide.
Feel free to use these as-is or adapt them to your own coaching style: once installed, they are your own copy that you can modify freely without any ties to the original.
Creating Your Own Resource Package
If you want to share your own resources with other coaches that are NOT part of your own CA account, you can create packages of your own.
Go to Settings >> Resource Packages >> My Packages and click “+ Package.”
Under Basics, enter a name for this package (whomever installs the package will see this name).
Next, go to Included Resources to build your Resource Package.

When designing a Resource Package you can include any of the following:
- Courses
- Worksheet Templates
- Session Templates
- Agreement Templates
- Engagement Templates
- Offerings & Offering Collections
- Library Files
- Appointment Types
For each type of item you can choose to include some or all that you have. You do not need to include items from all categories; in fact, you can make a Resource Package that has just one item.
Sharing and Installing
To share the resource package, close the package builder window. Then, from the list of your available packages, click “Share this….”
You’ll find a link, which you can share with any coach.
When clicked, the link will bounce someone into their CoachAccountable account and prompt them to install some or all of your package (the experience is just like when you click on one of the Installable Packages as shown above).
If someone clicking to install your package has not yet signed up with CoachAccountable, he/she will be prompted to do so first.
Resource Packages and the Referral Program
There’s a nice little caveat to when someone installs your Resource Package: if they do so during their 30-day trial period, the system will automatically credit YOU as the person who referred them1.
So if you’re creating a Resource Package to share with your colleagues, be sure to take a minute to establish your own referral account first!
Resource-Sharing Tips
A few things to keep in mind as you create and share Resource Packages.
Making Changes
If you make a change to a package, such as adding items, it won’t affect people who have already installed that package. They’ll have only exactly what was in the package at the time they added it. If you make changes and want them to receive the new or updated items, you can send the link out again to those same people. They’ll receive only the added material.
You cannot remove resources from other people’s accounts. If you remove an item from a resource package, future people who install it won’t see that removed item, but anyone who already has it, has it.
Similarly, you can’t remove an installed resource package, in whole or in part, from another user’s account.
Intellectual Property
When a package is shared, those resources exist fully in the other account. That means the other coach can make changes or additions to those items you’ve provided.
How, then, can you protect your intellectual property?
We recommend that you address all intellectual property concerns with whatever contracts you and the other coaches set up. Ensure that you’ve explicitly stated what you consider ‘open source’, available for others to use and adapt as they like, and what you require to stay intact and unedited (including with or without attribution to you as the creator of that material). If this is part of a franchise business, does the other coach need to stop using your material if selling the franchise? We recommend having an attorney review all this to ensure you’re covered in the way you want to be.
Already-Installed Resources
If someone is installing a package but already has some of the items within, only the new items will be added. The system detects when one already has the same or similar item based on select criteria lining up (always name, and sometimes others, like folder, description, etc.), and will skip over the installation of any items already present. This is to prevent both duplication AND accidental overriding of any alterations you may have made (and to honor the fact that you may prefer to keep an item in whatever state it was when you first installed it!)
To get updated versions of already-installed items, one may need to delete the item first and then re-install. Happily, this is easily done for items that originated from a prior-install: by visiting the installer a subsequent time one sees an “uninstall…” button that allows the easy removal of some or all installed items.
When to NOT Use Resource Packages
Keep in mind that Resource Packages are NOT for sharing resources with clients. If you give a client the link for a package, they’ll then be prompted to create a coach account! To share or assign items with clients in a big chunk, consider using Courses, particularly a Starter Kit Course.
If you want to maintain oversight of other coaches and how they use your resources, these packages aren’t the way to go.
Instead, you’ll want a Team account, wherein other coaches using your resources are part of your team. Likewise, if you need the ability to cut off access to these resources at any time, a Team account will be your choice (you’ll simply deactivate a coach who is no longer working with you; without access to their account, that coach won’t see those resources).
Get Started
Resource Packages allow you to both give and receive. You can find and install some new content (that can serve to merely inspire, or even be right for working with directly), and they are a great way for you to share material, license out your coaching methods, and earn money as a CoachAccountable referral partner.
Get started in Settings >> Resource Packages.
Haven’t started our free 30-day trial yet? Get started now and create packages to share with other coaches.
- Provided they’ve not already been noted as referred by someone else, of course! ↩
More recently: Enabling Continued Access for Your Past Clients
Previously: Growing Our Team to Number 3